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The website for canal & waterway books, maps and DVDs

About CanalBookShop

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CanalBookShop is part of Audlem Mill, one of the oldest and best-known canalside shops, established originally in 1974. It is alongside the Shropshire Union Canal on the Audlem flight of 15 locks.

We believe that Audlem Mill has the widest selection of canal books anywhere in the UK – usually about 500 titles, as well as a small selection of railway titles. In addition, we have more than 1000 secondhand canal and railway book titles. We also publish canal books, having started this venture in 2012. Click below for our current titles.

CanalBookShop Publication List

Most of the books on this website are also available to callers to our shop, but if you intend calling, please phone 01270 811059 to check opening hours, and that the item you want is available at Audlem Mill.

Besides the vast selection of books, maps and guides, the shop also has a wide range of gifts for all the family, souvenirs and canal ware, and needlework, knitting yarns, craft books and haberdashery. Please see our other websites – links at bottom right of this page.

Audlem Mill has been run by Peter and Christine Silvester since 2007. Peter is a lifelong canal and waterways enthusiast, who skiffed, punted and rowed on the Thames as a schoolboy before being let loose on motorised boats! He has been involved with canals for more than 50 years. Chris has been designing cross stitch kits, many of canal scenes, since 1993, under the Abacus Designs brand, and has also more recently designed embroidery kits.

Chris and Peter owned the post office and canal shop at Hassall Green, by lock 57 of the Trent & Mersey canal, for some years in the 1980s.

Contact Us

Audlem Mill Limited
The Wharf
Audlem, Cheshire

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Company No. 06042417    VAT No. GB 616 8390 24